Charlean’s Cause


Charlean summerlin was a valued team member of jennifer’s cleaning service.

Charlean cleaned with us for 3 years and was always a hard worker and lovely employee who put her heart into everything she did. We sadly lost Charlean to to cancer in 2019 and while we miss her dearly, we’re so thankful for the time we had with her.

Charlean’s Cause is an initiative that we started in honor of her. As we walked with Charlean in her fight with cancer, we saw how truly difficult it became to take care of the every day things around her house. When you’re going through something as difficult as fighting cancer the small things, like having a clean house, can bring a level of peace and comfort.

We started Charlean’s Cause as a way to give back to our community and help people who are fighting cancer or other ailments and are unable to clean their own homes. Each month we will choose one applicant to receive a FREE house cleaning from Jennifer’s Cleaning Service.

If you or someone in your family is fighting cancer or another ailment and could use a free house cleaning, please fill out the form below to apply to Charlean’s cause. All you have to do is apply yourself or nominate a friend or loved one. Our hope is that this gesture will help bring a little peace to some families who desperately need it in Tulsa and the surrounding areas.


Apply for a free house cleaning from Jennifer’s Cleaning Service